Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Welcome to my World

I wanted a place to show off my art. I tend to do different things, depending on what type of mood I'm in. Recently I've been interested in abstract.
The painting show to the right is the first serious piece that I have done. I had a lot of fun while painting it. Hubby wasn't to happy though when he woke up in the morning and found paint splatters all over the carpet and furniture.
I honestly had never planned on learning abstract, thinking what could I possible gain from something so free form. I found I felt very energized and relaxed after. Big surprise to me, so I guess I found my meditative practice for those stressed-out moments.
Currently, I am also learning to draw dogs. I have taking a liking to pencil crayons. What I didn't realize is that there is a huge different in quality between those cheap everyday pencils you buy for children's art projects and the silly over-priced pencils you buy in the art stores.
I bought my first professional grade set of watercolor pencils the other day. It was only a small set since their largest set was only 32 pencils. I paid over $40 for 32 pencil crayons. OUCH!!!
Please buy my art so I can make this money back :) ( big huge smile, bats eyelashes)
In the past I've always painted more surreal type art, or portraits of women in impressionist style. Abstract and dogs are quite a leap in the learning curve for me.
Hope you like my art. Please let me know what you think. Any comments will help me with exploration in color and art.
Thanks for stopping by.
( Uleen Toovey )